Now for an overview of today:
After breakfast Margaret set up her computer to show some folks this blog and other internet tools we utilize to communicate ministry and personal information. (left to right: Angie Moses, Brandi Moses, Margaret, David Weaver, Janis Kemp, and Chaplain Dan Stuckey)
Trisha Hoy and Chaplain Paul Leger provided accompaniment for the morning praise and worship.
Paul Leger, Jesse Deems (playing harmonica), Doug and Carolyn Young sang for us as part of the praise and worship. They sung part of one song in Russian for Peter and Lydia.
Dennis Finnamore, Canadian Director, was MC for the day.
The first business session of the day was conducted by Dwayne Johnson, shown in the top picture, Doug Kraus (left above) and Gary Nussbaum. They discussed their new roles at the TFC International Office (IO).
The last session of the day included a Q&A time for the folks with new IO roles. (Left to right: Bunny O'Hare, Doris and Cerwin High, Doug Kraus, Gary Nussbaum, and Scott Weidner. Chaplain David Roberts, aka "Green Onion" is sitting in the front row.)
Dinner was a banquet. Shown above, left to right: Margaret, Tom & Linda Kramer, Trisha & David Hoy.
Trisha & David Hoy and David Weaver.
Following dinner we returned to our meeting room for some special ceremonies. First Rallyn & Carolyn Van Beek were recognized for completing the Chaplain Training School (CTS) this summer.
Then Wayne & Rita Foreman were also recongnized for completing CTS this summer.
Next was a commissioning service for two chaplain couples: Peter & Lydia Vaprov who serve in Moscow, Russia, and Claude & Hugette Mathieu who serve in Canada. (Victor Kavsh, in the center, translated for Peter & Lydia).
Finally, TFC President Scott Weidner presented Inge Koenig a certificate in recognition of her faithful and "above and beyond" service at the IO.